※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

非核化達成のための要因分析に関する研究,4; イラク: 非核化の特徴について

Research on factor analysis for achieving denuclearization, 4; Iraq: Characteristics of Iraq's denuclearization

田崎 真樹子 ; 清水 亮 ; 木村 隆志 ; 玉井 広史 ; 中谷 隆良 ; 須田 一則 

Tazaki, Makiko; Shimizu, Ryo; Kimura, Takashi; Tamai, Hiroshi; Nakatani, Takayoshi; Suda, Kazunori


Iraq, defeated by the Gulf War, had to accept denuclearization under UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 687, but did not immediately and accurately report all its past nuclear activities to the IAEA. IAEA, as an internationally authorized nuclear inspection and verification organization to Iraqi denuclearization by the UNSCR 687, gradually revealed existence and the whole picture of Iraqi clandestine nuclear activities and verified destruction of weapon related facilities and equipment as well as removal of nuclear materials outside Iraq. Analyzing Iraq's characteristics of denuclearization could serve as a good reference for not only preventing nuclear weapons development but also considering their denuclearization in current and future states.



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