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$$f$$-electron states of heavy-fermion superconductor NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$ and rare-earth- and actinide-based isostructural compounds

Metoki, Naoto   

Good correspondence of the $$LS$$ and $$j$$-$$j$$ coupling scheme can be realized in the $$f$$-electron states of the heavy-fermion superconductor NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$ and the isostructural family. The rare-earth and actinide elements are under a common strong uniaxial point charge potential with tetragonal point symmetry $$D_{4h}$$. The systematic development of the $$f$$-electron states can be understood in the $$LS$$ coupling scheme of $$^nf$$ configuration (the number of $$f$$ electrons $$nleq6$$). We can find the corresponding states in $$j$$-$$j$$ coupling scheme with three $$f$$-orbitals $$Gamma_7^{rm; i}, Gamma_7^{rm; ii}$$, and $$Gamma_6$$ determined from CePd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$ with $$^1f$$ configuration.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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