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 年 ~ 

Development and application of magnetic Pair Distribution Function (mPDF) analysis


樹神 克明   ; 本田 孝志*; 池田 一貴*; 社本 真一  ; 大友 季哉*

Kodama, Katsuaki; Honda, Takashi*; Ikeda, Kazutaka*; Shamoto, Shinichi; Otomo, Toshiya*

Magnetic pair distribution function (mPDF) gives a real-space information on a magnetic correlation of paired magnetic moments with a distance r. It is useful to determine magnetic structure in the systems only with short-range magnetic orderings, because it is obtained from Fourier transformation of the magnetic diffraction data including both the Bragg reflection and diffuse scattering. To develop the magnetic structural analysis using mPDF, we propose an alternative equation for the simulation of mPDF and the process of estimation of the experimental mPDF from neutron diffraction data. Then, we applied the mPDF analysis to the short-range magnetic correlation in spin-glass material.



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