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Current status of the applications for a live data reduction method in MLF, J-PARC

MLF J-PARCにおけるライブデータ処理の応用の現状

稲村 泰弘  ; 安 芳次*; 大下 英敏*; 中谷 健 

Inamura, Yasuhiro; Yasu, Yoshiji*; Oshita, Hidetoshi*; Nakatani, Takeshi


One of the recent successful developments in the computing group in MLF at J-PARC is about the "quasi-real-time" data reduction and visualization method, named a live data reduction. From the beginning of MLF running, users have strongly required to see the current data during the measurement to decide next experimental conditions and schedules. To realize "real-time" in these years, we decided to adopt a Publisher-Subscriber model using this technology and developed new modules working on our data acquisition system, DAQ middleware, which sends event-recorded data to a message queue server as a data publisher. In addition, we have a plan to offer users the new methods to obtain speedily the result of the live data reduction for the current measuring data. We start to develop a new server cooperating with the DAQ middleware and the measurement control system with web user interface, called IROHA2, to execute the live data reduction code prepared by users and visualize the result which enables users to confirm them on web browser.



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