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Report No.

Nuclear data sheets for A=218

Singh, B.*; Basunia, M. S.*; Martin, M.*; McCutchan, E. A.*; Bara, I.*; Caballero-Folch, R.*; Canavan, R.*; Chakrabarti, R.*; Chekhovska, A.*; Grinder, M. M.*; Kaim, S.*; Kanjilal, D.*; Kasperovych, D.*; Kobra, M. J.*; Koura, Hiroyuki   ; Nandi, S.*; Olacel, A.*; Singh, A.*; Tee, B. P. E.*

The evaluated data are presented for 11 known A=218 nulcides (Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn, Fr, Ra, Ac, Th, Pa and U). For $$^{218}$$Pb, $$^{218}$$Bi, $$^{218}$$At and $$^{218}$$Pa, data are available only for the ground states. For $$^{218}$$U, only the g.s. and a high-spin isomer are known, with no data on $$gamma$$-ray transitions available. For $$^{218}$$Po, ten excited states are known from $$^{218}$$Bi decay, with no knowledge on the multipolarities of gamma-ray transitions. For $$^{218}$$Th, five excited states in the g.s. band are known from an in-beam $$gamma$$-ray study. Data on level half-lives, multipolarities and mixing ratios of gamma transitions is generally lacking for A=218 nuclei. The static magnetic dipole moment has been measured for only an isomer in $$^{218}$$Fr. This evaluation was carried out as part of a joint IAEA-ICTP workshop for Nuclear Structure and Decay Data, organized and hosted by the IAEA, Vienna, and ICTP, Trieste, October 15-26, 2018.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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