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Synthesis of simulated fuels containing CsI under gas-tight condition


Liu, J.  ; 三輪 周平  ; 中島 邦久  ; 逢坂 正彦  

Liu, J.; Miwa, Shuhei; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Osaka, Masahiko

A new synthesis method of simulated fuel containing highly volatile compound of cesium iodide (CsI) was established based on a gas-tight sintering technique. This method can enhance the grain growth of the SIMFUEL pellets by increasing sintering temperature and time. The CsI content in the simulated fuel did not significantly decrease even for 10 hours sintering time and its final value can be quantitatively controlled by adjusting its vaporization amount. A slower heating rate after the melting of CsI can promote the dispersion of liquid CsI on the grain boundaries and give a very small CsI particle size.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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