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Report No.

Electric field effect on the magnetic domain wall creep velocity in Pt/Co/Pd structures with different Co thicknesses

Koyama, Tomohiro*; Ieda, Junichi   ; Chiba, Daichi*

The electric field (EF) modulation of magnetic domain wall (DW) creep velocity $$v$$ in Pt/Co/Pd structure with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (MA) has been studied. The structures with different Co thickness $$t_mathrm{Co}$$ up to $$sim 1$$ nm are investigated. In all samples, applying a gate voltage induces a clear change in $$v$$. Thicker samples provide a higher $$v$$ modulation efficiency, and the $$v$$ modulation magnitude of more than a factor of 100 times is observed in the thickest $$t_mathrm{Co}$$ of 0.98 nm. The parameter characterizing the creep motion is significantly affected by the EF, resulting in the modulation of $$v$$. Unlike the $$v$$ case, the MA modulation efficiency decreases with increasing $$t_mathrm{Co}$$. The present results are discussed based on the EF-induced change in the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (iDMI), which has been recently demonstrated in the same structure, and $$t_mathrm{Co}$$ dependence of the DW energy. The $$t_mathrm{Co}$$ dependence of the $$v$$ modulation suggests that the EF effect on the iDMI is more important than the MA.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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