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企画セッション(「シグマ」特別専門委員会主催、核データ部会共催)「シグマ」特別専門委員会2017、2018年度活動報告,4; 「シグマ」調査専門委員会の活動予定

Work reports on nuclear data of Sigma Special Advisory Committee in 2017-2018, 4; Working plan of Investigation Advisory Committee on Nuclear Data in the next period

深堀 智生  

Fukahori, Tokio


This report is review on one of the series presentations on "Work Reports on Nuclear Data of Sigma Special Advisory Committee in 2017-2018" at the Fall Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ). In this report, the work plan of this Committee in the next two-years period is introduced. The AESJ Investigation Advisory Committee on Nuclear Data researches world-wide nuclear data activities, reports from the view point of wide range collaborative fields, contributes to Japanese nuclear data investigation activities with contacting many of related organizations.



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