※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of radiation resistant rubber for accelerator equipment

高柳 智弘   ; 柴沼 葦裕*; 宝福 裕司*

Takayanagi, Tomohiro; Shibanuma, Yoshihiro*; Hofuku, Yuji*


There is an area where a high radiation environment of 1 MGy per year at J-PARC. The device is required to have radiation resistance and the main parts are made of metal material, but the gasket etc. are made of rubber. However, the surface of EPDM rubber, which is known as radiation-resistant rubber, softens when irradiated with several MGy. Various sub-materials were selected from EPDM as raw materials, and samples in which the blending of the plasticizer was changed were prepared. The sample prepared with barium sulfate did not undergo surface softening such as hydrolysis or bleeding even after irradiation with 5 MGy. We report 11 kinds of rubber materials and evaluation results after gamma ray irradiation.



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