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Report No.

Structure of ruthenium complex in nitric acid solution estimated using DFT calculation

Kato, Akane* ; Kaneko, Masashi   ; Nakashima, Satoru*

Ruthenium is considered to exist as nitrosylruthenium nitrate complexes in nitric acid such as high-level radioactive liquid waste. We estimated the structures of ruthenium complexes by using density functional theory calculation. The structures were modeled as [Ru(NO)(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{x}$$(H$$_{2}$$O)$$_{5-x}$$] (x = 1-4) with octahedral coordination sphere by using its analogous single-crystal structure and molecular modeling software. As the result, the geometries in which nitrate ions coordinate to the equatrial position of Ru-NO axis were thermodynamically the most stable for all the complexes with x = 1-4.



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