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Report No.

International network of nuclear structure and decay data evaluators

Dimitriou, P.*; Basunia, S*; Bernstein, L.*; Chen, J.*; Elekes, Z.*; Huang, X.*; Hurst, A.*; Iimura, Hideki  ; Jain, A. K.*; Kelley, J.*; Kib$'e$di, T.*; Kondev, F.*; Lalkovski, S.*; McCutchan, E.*; Mitropolsky, I.*; Mukherjee, G.*; Negret, A.*; Nesaraja, C.*; Nica, N.*; Pascu, S.*; Rodionov, A.*; Singh, B.*; Singh, S.*; Smith, M.*; Sonzogni, A.*; Tim$'a$r, J.*; Tuli, J.*; Verpelli, M.*; Yang, D.*; Zerkin, V.*

The Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) includes the most extensive and comprehensive set of nuclear structure and decay data evaluations performed by the international network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data evaluators (NSDD) under the auspices of the IAEA. In this report we describe some of the recent NSDD activities and provide future perspectives.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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