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Real-time ${{it in vivo}}$ dosimetry system based on an optical fiber-coupled microsized photostimulable phosphor for stereotactic body radiation therapy

Yada, Ryuichi*; Maenaka, Kazusuke*; Miyamoto, Shuji*; Okada, Go*; Sasakura, Aki*; Ashida, Motoi*; Adachi, Masashi*; Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Wang, T.*; Akasaka, Hiroaki*; Mukumoto, Naritoshi*; Shimizu, Yasuyuki*; Sasaki, Ryohei*

The ${{it in vivo}}$ dosimeter system is capable of real-time, accurate, and precise measurement under stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) conditions. The probe is smaller than a conventional dosimeter, has excellent spatial resolution, and can be valuable in SBRT with a steep dose distribution over a small field. The developed PSP dosimeter system appears to be suitable for in vivo SBRT dosimetry.



- Accesses




Category:Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging



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