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Report No.

QCD Kondo excitons

Suenaga, Daiki*; Suzuki, Kei   ; Yasui, Shigehiro*

The QCD Kondo effect is a quantum phenomenon in which heavy (charm or bottom) quarks exist as impurity particles in quark matter composed of light quarks at extremely high density. In this paper, we theoretically predict the existence of the exciton modes above the ground state of the quark matter governed by the QCD Kondo effect. We construct an effective model based on the mean field approximation and investigate possible quantum numbers (such as spin and parity) of excitons and their dispersion relations. These excitons can be electrically (color) neutral, so that they are observed as the neutral currents in transport phenomena. As a result, they contribute to violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law for the electric (color) and heat conductivities. Such Kondo excitons are an universal phenomenon for relativistic (Dirac or Weyl) fermions, and the same concept will also be applied to Dirac or Weyl electron systems.



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