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Report No.

Nuclear quantum effect for hydrogen adsorption on Pt(111)

Yan, L.*; Yamamoto, Yoshiyuki*; Shiga, Motoyuki   ; Sugino, Osamu*

Nuclear quantum effect and many-body interaction importantly interplay in the hydrogen on the Pt(111) system under the high coverage conditions of electrochemical interest, as revealed by our ab initio path integral and ring polymer molecular dynamics simulations done at room temperature. At the full monolayer coverage, hydrogen atoms are close-packed either at the atop sites or the fcc sites owing to their strong repulsion and the nearly degenerate nature of the adsorption sites. While at the 2/3 monolayer, they are delocalized over the fcc and hcp sites via the bridge sites because of the hopping. The quantum many-body effect is thus crucially important in determining the coverage dependence and provides a clue for reconciling the long-standing controversy on this system.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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