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Report No.

$$beta$$-delayed fission of isomers in $$^{188}$$Bi

Andel, B.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Antalic, S.*; Al Monthery, M.*; Barzakh, A.*; Bissell, M. L.*; Chrysalidis, K.*; 29 of others*

$$beta$$-delayed fission ($$beta$$DF) decay of a low-spin (ls) and a high-spin (hs) isomer in $$^{188}$$Bi was studied at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. Their $$beta$$DF partial half-lives were determined: $$T_{rm 1/2p}$$, $$beta$$DF($$^{188}$$Bi$$^{hs}$$)= 5.6(8) $$times$$ 10$$^{3}$$ s and $$T_{rm 1/2p}$$, $$beta$$DF($$^{188}$$Bi$$^{ls}$$)=1.7(6) $$times$$ 10$$^{3}$$ s. This work is the first $$beta$$DF study of two states in one isotope and allows the spin dependence of low-energy fission to be explored. The fission fragment mass distribution of a daughter nuclide $$^{188}$$Pb, following the $$beta$$ decay of the high-spin isomer, was deduced and indicates a mixture of symmetric and asymmetric fission modes.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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