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Nuclear magnetic relaxation time near the compensation temperature in a ferrimagnetic insulator


森 道康  

Mori, Michiyasu

The nuclear magnetic relaxation time $$T_1$$ in a ferrimagnetic insulators is calculated within the mean-field approximation for the magnetic exchange interactions and the Raman process involving the hyperfine interaction. We find that the value of 1/$$T_1$$ on one type of site increases rapidly near the compensation temperature $$T_0$$, whereas that on the other type of site does not increase up to Curie temperature $$T_c$$. This is due to the fact that the soft-magnon bandwidth becomes comparable to $$T_0$$. An increase in 1/$$T_1$$ below $$T_c$$ is found also in another type ferrimagnet, which shows a hump structure in the temperature dependence of magnetization instead of compensation. Also in that case, we find the rapid increase in 1/$$T_1$$ below $$T_c$$, even though the magnetization does not show compensation. The coexistence of soft and hard magnons leads to these remarkable properties of ferrimagnets.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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