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Report No.

Antimony from brake dust to the combined sewer collection system via road effluent under rainy conditions

Ozaki, Hirokazu*; Yoshimura, Kazuya  ; Asaoka, Yoshihiro*; Hayashi, Seiji*

We investigated influence of road effluent on Antimony (Sb) in combined sewer water under rainy and dry weather conditions. Sb in road effluent showed significantly higher concentration than sewer, and Sb concentration in sewer during the wet weather was also significantly higher than that during the dry weather. Furthermore, Sb concentration in the sewer water decreased with time during a wash-off event. Clear positive relationships between Sb and Cu, and Sb and Ba in both in road effluent and road dust extract indicated an impact from brake abrasion because brake lining contains Cu, Sb and Ba in high concentration. Approximately 42% of Sb load occurred during the wash-off event while those of Cu and Ba were much less. Unlike Cu and Ba, we conclude that Sb in combined sewer water is largely dependent on road effluent during wet weather, resulted by wash-off of road dust probably associating with brake lining abrasion.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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