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Report No.

Broken C$$_{4}$$ symmetry in the tetragonal state of uniaxial strained BaCo$$_{0.9}$$Ni$$_{0.1}$$S$$_{1.9}$$

Shamoto, Shinichi  ; Yamauchi, Hiroki   ; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi  ; Ieda, Junichi   

A compound with large anions is known to show large compressibility whereby a novel response may emerge from the degenerated state by a uniaxial pressure. Neutron scattering study of BaCo$$_{0.9}$$Ni$$_{0.1}$$S$$_{1.9}$$ crystal reveals that the tetragonal insulating state has two magnetic domains with in-plane anisotropic antiferromagnetic wave vectors $$bf Q_1$$=($$pi$$, 0) and $$bf Q_2$$=(0, $$pi$$). One magnetic domain with $$bf Q_2$$ becomes dominant under a weak uniaxial pressure of 1 MPa without a structural phase transition. Correspondingly, the in-plane broken C$$_{4}$$ symmetry is observed in the in-plane magnetic excitation. The domain-ratio changes under a uniaxial pressure in the tetragonal state is only slightly smaller than that in the orthorhombic state.



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