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Report No.

Research on factor analysis for achieving denuclearization, 6; Denuclearization of former republics of the Soviet Union

Kimura, Takashi ; Tazaki, Makiko ; Nakatani, Takayoshi ; Shimizu, Ryo ; Tamai, Hiroshi ; Suda, Kazunori 

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus (the former three Soviet Union countries) unintentionally deployed nuclear weapons within their territory. The former three Soviet Union countries achieved denuclearization by transferring the deployed warheads and the delivery system of the nuclear weapons to Russia for disposal. This report gives our analysis of the success factors for achieving denuclearization by investigating the efforts towards denuclearization of such countries, the relevant frameworks such as the Treaty on the Reduction of Strategic Arms, etc.



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