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$$beta$$-delayed neutron-emission and fission calculations within relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation and a statistical model


湊 太志   ; Marketin, T.*; Paar, N.*

Minato, Futoshi; Marketin, T.*; Paar, N.*


A role of $$beta$$-delayed neutron and fission in r-process nucleosynthesis attracts a high interest. Although the number of study on them covering r-process nuclei is increasing recently, uncertainties of $$beta$$-delayed neutron and fission are still large for r-process simulations. Our purpose of this paper is to make a new database on $$beta$$-delayed neutron and fission. We developed a new theoretical framework for $$beta$$-delayed neutron and fission, and apply it to make a new data table. Calculated $$beta$$-delayed neutron branching ratios are in a good agreement with experimental data and the root mean square deviation is comparable to results of proceeding works. It is found that energy withdrawal by $$beta$$-delayed neutron emission sensitively varies Pn values for nuclei near the neutron drip line. Pf are sensitively dependent on fission barrier data. The new data table is to be used for study on r-process as well as other fields such as nuclear engineering.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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