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Report No.

Iodine-129 in the Tokai Reprocessing Plant and the environment

Nakano, Masanao 

The Tokai Reprocessing Plant is the first reprocessing plant in Japan which started hot test in 1977, and had reprocessed 1140 tons of spent nuclear fuel by May 2007. The gaseous and liquid radioactive wastes has been discharged to the environment. Since iodine-129 ($$^{129}$$I) is one of the most important nuclides for environmental impact assessment. Therefore, $$^{129}$$I in the exhaust and effluent has been controlled, and a precise analysis method of $$^{129}$$I in the environmental samples was developed, and the concentration of 129I in the environment was investigated. This report presents an overview of these activities. Not limited to $$^{129}$$I on reprocessing facilities, it is essential for nuclear operators to reduce the amount released to the environment in the spirit of ALARA, and to continuously develop the further upgrading environmental monitoring methods and evaluation methods in order to foster a sense of safety and security among residents living in the vicinity of the facilities.



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