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Report No.

Evolution of proton single-particle states in neutron-rich Sb isotopes beyond $$N$$=82

Jungclaus, A.*; Keatings, J. M.*; Simpson, G. S.*; Orlandi, R.  ; 47 of others*

The $$beta$$ decay of $$^{136,137,138}$$Sn was investigated at RIBF, RIKEN. For $$^{137}$$Sb the first information on excited states was obtained. In the case of $$^{136}$$Sb and $$^{138}$$Sb, new gamma-rays were observed. The new experimental results, in combination with state-of-the-art shell-model calculations, provide the first information on the evolution of the 0g$$_{7/2}$$and 1d$$_{5/2}$$ proton single-particle states with increasing neutron number beyond $$N$$=84.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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