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Report No.

Recent progress in ionic liquid extraction for the separation of rare earth elements

Okamura, Hiroyuki   ; Hirayama, Naoki*

This review summarizes recent progress in solvent extraction of rare earth elements (REEs) using an ionic liquid (IL) as the extraction solvent. These IL extraction systems are advantageous owing to the affinity of ILs for both charged and neutral hydrophobic species, in contrast to conventional organic solvent extraction systems. Herein, REE extraction studies using ILs are detailed and classified based on the type of extraction system. In IL extraction systems, the extracted complexes are often different from those in organic solvent systems, and the REE extraction and separation efficiencies are often significantly enhanced. Synergistic IL extraction is an effective approach to improving the extractability and separability of REEs. The development of novel task-specific ionic liquids (TSILs) suitable for IL extraction systems is also effective for REE separation.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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