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大強度陽子ビームが切り拓くニュートリノ・中性子・ミューオンの基礎物理; 大強度陽子ビーム輸送施設(3NBT)

Basic physics of neutrinos, neutrons, and muons pioneered by high-intensity proton beam; High-intensity proton beam transport facility (3NBT)

明午 伸一郎   

Meigo, Shinichiro


A high-intensity proton beam transport facility (3NBT) at J-PARC provides the proton beam accelerated at 3 GeV synchrotron accelerator to the neutron source facility and muon facility installed at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) supplying the secondary beam of neutron and muons to the users. A talk regarding the development of the instruments for high-intensity beam transport, and the beam flattening technology based on nonlinear beam optics will be given at the annual meeting of the Physical Society of Japan,



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