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Online solid-phase extraction-inductively coupled plasma-quadrupole mass spectrometry with oxygen dynamic reaction for quantification of technetium-99

Matsueda, Makoto   ; Yanagisawa, Kayo*; Koarai, Kazuma   ; Terashima, Motoki  ; Fujiwara, Kenso ; Abe, Hironobu ; Kitamura, Akihiro   ; Takagai, Yoshitaka*

Online solid-phase extraction-inductively coupled plasma-quadrupole mass spectrometry with oxygen dynamic reaction cell (online SPE-ICP-MS-DRC) was shown to be a thorough automatic analytical system, circumventing the need for human handling. At three stepwise separations (SPE-DRC-Q mass filters), we showed that interference materials allowed the coexistence of abundance ratios of 1.5$$times$$10$$^{-13}$$ for $$^{99}$$Tc/Mo. Using this optimized system, a detection limit of $$^{99}$$Tc was 9.3 pg/L (5.9 mBq/L) for a 50 mL injection and sequential measurements were undertaken at a cycle of 24 min/sample.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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