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Quantifying internal strains, stresses, and dislocation density in additively manufactured AlSi10Mg during loading-unloading-reloading deformation


Zhang, X. X.*; Andr$"a$, H.*; Harjo, S.   ; Gong, W.*; 川崎 卓郎   ; Lutz, A.*; Lahres, M.*

Zhang, X. X.*; Andr$"a$, H.*; Harjo, S.; Gong, W.*; Kawasaki, Takuro; Lutz, A.*; Lahres, M.*

Here, in-situ neutron diffraction is employed to explore the residual strains, stresses, and dislocation density in the LPBF AlSi10Mg during loading-unloading-reloading deformation. It is found that the maximum residual stresses of the Al and Si phases in the loading direction reach up to about -115 (compressive) and 832 (tensile) MPa, respectively. A notable dislocation annihilation phenomenon is observed in the Al matrix: the dislocation density decreases significantly during unloading stages, and the amplitude of this reduction increases after experiencing a larger plastic deformation. At the macroscale, this dislocation annihilation phenomenon is associated with the reverse strain after unloading. At the microscale, the annihilation phenomenon is driven by the compressive residual stress in the Al matrix. Meanwhile, the annihilation of screw dislocations during unloading stages contributes to the reduction in total dislocation density.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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