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Report No.

Diffusion mechanisms of hydrogen in metals explored via path-integral methods

Kimizuka, Hajime*; Ogata, Shigenobu*; Shiga, Motoyuki   

Hydrogen is an element having quantum nature, and exhibits a unique diffusion behavior not found in other impurity atoms. In this study, the diffusion behavior of hydrogen isotopes in palladium crystals was predicted at a wide range of temperatures using a first-principles approach that combines the path integral simulation and electronic structure calculation. It was shown that in the high temperature region, the influence of quantum fluctuations becomes apparent as the temperature decreases, causing the suppression of diffusion where the Arrhenius plot bends upward. On the other hand, in the low temperature region, the diffusion barrier decreases due to the manifestation of the quantum tunneling effect, and the Arrhenius plot bents downward. The competition of quantum effects in different temperature regions clearly explains the anomalous isotopic effect of hydrogen diffusion.



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