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Conducting an online workshop on the supply chain risk in nuclear security; A Case study of designing an online event using recorded theater scene and integrating its findings for professional development

Okuda, Masahiro ; Van Dassen, L.*; Lock, B.*; Inoue, Naoko ; Noro, Naoko; Kawakubo, Yoko; Sekine, Megumi 

The presentation will feature two key findings; the effectiveness of providing an online activity on nuclear security around film theater scenes, and the second one is a case study of awareness rising on supply chain risk un nuclear security in Japan. ISCN and WINS co-hosted the workshop on "supply chain risk in nuclear security" online due to the COVID 19 situation. The joint workshop had been held in face and used "theater style." In the first part of the presentation, it will be explained that how to replicate the theater-style workshop online. The second part of the presentation will explain findings through the discussion among the participants of the workshop. The presentation will examine the importance of identifying supply chain risks and possible measures to address supply chain risk management in nuclear security through the findings from the discussion of the workshop. The presentation also examines how to use these findings in the human resource development activity.



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