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Multi-group cross section library generation by FRENDY for fast reactor neutronics calculations


千葉 豪*; 山本 章夫*; 多田 健一   ; 遠藤 知弘*

Chiba, Go*; Yamamoto, Akio*; Tada, Kenichi; Endo, Tomohiro*


The FRENDY nuclear data processing code has been used to generate multi-group cross section libraries for the CBZ reactor physics code system. The newly generated libraries have been applied to neutronics calculations of a fast reactor core MET-1000, and several neutronics parameters are calculated. Calculations with other libraries generated by NJOY2016 have been also conducted, and differences in obtained neutronics parameters between the FRENDY-based library and the NJOY-based library have been quantified. Generally reasonable agreement between them has been obtained, so it has been demonstrated that the multi-group libraries for fast reactor neutronics calculations can be generated successfully by FRENDY. Detailed investigation on the impact of the difference in the processing codes on k-effective has been also carried out with a help of the perturbation theory, and the causes of the differences have been identified.



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