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 年 ~ 

Procurement management for nuclear material protection systems in JAEA


中村 仁宣 ; 山田 博之; 山崎 勝幸

Nakamura, Hironobu; Yamada, Hiroyuki; Yamazaki, Katsuyuki


In the computer system which is used in the nuclear facilities, it is required that runaway and/or invalidation risk caused by the terrorism by insider/outsider and/or malfunction by the bug etc. should be minimized in the viewpoint of nuclear safety and security. In order to maintain the safety, countermeasures for the supply chain risk, quality assurance system and information control for the physical protection etc., are introduced and managed in the life cycle operation. Especially, it is very important for the countermeasures for the supply chain risk. In JAEA, to keep the reliability in the procurement, we introduced the measures into the procurement control system. Since the surveillance system for physical protection consists of the computer system, it is necessary to manage the risk to be minimized. In this report, we introduce the necessity of procurement system and mechanism including supply chain risk as a good practice.



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