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Report No.

Barnett field, rotational Doppler effect, and Berry phase studied by nuclear quadrupole resonance with rotation

Chudo, Hiroyuki ; Matsuo, Mamoru*; Maekawa, Sadamichi*; Saito, Eiji

We report the observation of the Barnett field, rotational Doppler effect, and Berry phase using the rotating nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) methods. We have developed coil-spinning techniques that enable us to systematically study the effects of rotation in setups involving rotation of the signal detector, rotation of the sample, and simultaneous rotation of both the signal detector and sample. Applying these setups to NQR measurements, we observe NQR line splittings in which the spectral structures are clearly distinct among the setups. By analyzing these structures, we clarify the origin of the NQR line splittings and discuss the relationship between the rotational Doppler effect, Barnett field effect, and Berry phase in terms of the rotational degrees of freedom, such as the relative rotation and the sample rotation itself, and the observation frame of reference. We also provide clear evidence of the difference between the rotational Doppler effect and the Barnett field, and the equivalence of the Barnett field and the Berry phase.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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