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A Modeling study on the oceanic dispersion and sedimentation of radionuclides off the coast of Fukushima

Kamidaira, Yuki   ; Uchiyama, Yusuke*; Kawamura, Hideyuki  ; Kobayashi, Takuya ; Otosaka, Shigeyoshi*  

A three-dimensional oceanic dispersion model considering the migration of radionuclides between seawater and sediments was developed. The migration mechanism of dissolved Cs-137 originating from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident to sediments was investigated. The comparison between the model and the observed data showed that the model can adequately reproduce the ocean structure and the concentration of Cs-137 in seawater and sediments. Cs-137 distribution in the sediment off the Fukushima coast was formed mainly owing to adsorption from the dissolved phase by June 2011, when the impact of the direct oceanic Cs-137 release from FNPP1 was remarkable.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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