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Effect of temperature on escape behavior of Cl ion concentrated in metal crevices

相馬 康孝   ; 加藤 千明   

Soma, Yasutaka; Kato, Chiaki


This study investigates the effect of temperature on dissipation behavior of Cl ion within the crevice of stainless steel. Concentration of Cl ion was evaluated by conductivity measured by using sensors installed at crevice specimen. At 50 and 80 $$^{circ}$$C, Cl ions within the crevice of PEEK and Pt dissipated in accordance with concentration diffusion. On the contrary, dissipation speed of Cl ions inside the Type-304L stainless steel were much lower than those anticipated by simple concentration diffusion. This behavior attribute to the anodic dissolution of stainless steel inside the crevice, therefore, to quantitatively understand the effect of temperature on the dissipation behavior, it is necessary to know the anodic dissolution rate and occurrence of localized corrosion. Numerical analysis taking the effect of concentration diffusion and migration into account is also needed.



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