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Report No.

Oxidation of anatase TiO$$_{2}$$(001) surface using supersonic seeded oxygen molecular beam

Katsube, Daiki*; Ono, Shinya*; Takayanagi, Shuhei*; Ojima, Shoki*; Maeda, Motoyasu*; Origuchi, Naoki*; Ogawa, Arata*; Ikeda, Natsuki*; Aoyagi, Yoshihide*; Kabutoya, Yuito*; Kim, K.*; Hou, L.*; Li, F.*; Tsuda, Yasutaka   ; Yoshida, Hikaru*; Nishi, Shizuka*; Sakamoto, Tetsuya; Inami, Eiichi*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Abe, Masayuki*

We investigated the oxidation of oxygen vacancies at the surface of anatase TiO$$_{2}$$(001) using supersonic seeded molecular beam (SSMB) of oxygen. The oxygen vacancies at the top-surface and sub-surface could be eliminated by the supply of oxygen using an SSMB. These results indicate that the interstitial vacancies can be mostly assigned to oxygen vacancies, which can be effectively eliminated by using an oxygen SSMB. Oxygen vacancies are present on the surface of anatase TiO$$_{2}$$(001) when it is untreated before transfer to a vacuum chamber. These vacancies, which are stable in the as-grown condition, could also be effectively eliminated using the oxygen SSMB.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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