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Expectations for the GIF in its 20th year

佐賀山 豊 

Sagayama, Yutaka


GIF was launched in 2001 to develop of GEN-4 reactors through international cooperation. The Policy Group chair rotates among the US, France, and Japan, and Hideki Kamide, Advisor to MEXT of the JAEA, is currently the Chair. The development goals and reactor concept have been summarized as follows, Establishment of the development goals of economic, security, sustainability and proliferation resistance. Selection of reactor types of GFR, SCWR, SFR, VHTR, LFR and MSR. The major achievement is establishment of the safety design criterion, which will become an international standard for SFR and has been developed under the leadership of Japan. In the future, it is important to establish a new mechanism in the demonstration stage and to develop design standards and criteria for maintenance and servicing for international standards for GEN-4 reactors.



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