※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

廃止措置終了確認のための被ばく線量評価方法の開発,1; 放射能分布評価における妥当性確認方法の検討

Development of dose evaluation method for confirmation of completion of decommissioning, 1; Study on validation method for evaluated radioactivity distribution

島田 太郎 ; 三輪 一爾 ; 佐々木 利久*; 武田 聖司 

Shimada, Taro; Miwa, Kazuji; Sasaki, Toshihisa*; Takeda, Seiji


The authors are developing a methodology for confirming that public dose using the site after site release will be in compliance with the dose criteria based on the radioactivity distribution at the termination of the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. In a previous study, it was confirmed that kriging with external drift combined with scoping survey and representative measurement could evaluate the radioactivity distribution. However, the issue that evaluated distribution should be validated from the viewpoint of sufficiency on points of representative measurement remained. Therefore, we developed the method for the validation, that mean absolute error (MAE) between each measured value and evaluated value is less than a reference value of MAE between an average of measured values and each measured value. The method was applied to supposed distributions and it was confirmed that some of the evaluated distributions were validated.



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