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Report No.

Analysis of machine protection system events in the J-PARC Linac/RCS

Hayashi, Naoki  ; Hatakeyama, Shuichiro; Fukuta, Shimpei*

In order to achieve a high availability in a user facility accelerator complex, it is necessary to understand in detail not only the simple failure cause of the magnet or the acceleration cavity power supply, but also complex interlocked events. At J-PARC, not only the primary interlock information but also the data recorded by the beam diagnostic system before the interlocked event is used to carefully reconstruct the event and clarify the cause more accurately. This time, we proceeded with the analysis based on more detailed waveform of the RCS Beam Loss Monitor and the events during simultaneous operation of MLF and MR. We present various events of the beam destination switching problem, the influence of the ion source discharged, and the events related to the RCS extraction kicker.



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