※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Optimizing TiO$$_2$$ through water-soluble Ti complexes as raw material for controlling particle size and distribution of synthesized BaTiO$$_3$$ nanocubes


中島 光一*; 廣中 航太*; 大内 一真*; 味岡 真央*; 小林 芳男*; 米田 安宏   ; Yin, S.*; 垣花 眞人*; 関野 徹*

Nakashima, Koichi*; Hironaka, Kota*; Ouchi, Kazuma*; Ajioka, Mao*; Kobayashi, Yoshio*; Yoneda, Yasuhiro; Yin, S.*; Kakihana, Masato*; Sekino, Toru*


The BaTiO $$_3$$ nanoparticles synthesized by the hydrothermal method is examined by synchrotron X-ray and TEM observation. It was found that the particle size of synthesized BaTiO$$_3$$ depends on the particle size of the raw material of TiO$$_2$$. Succeeded in synthesizing 100 nm size BaTiO$$_3$$ nanocrystals showing uniform particle size distribution using TiO$$_2$$ nanoparticles with optimized particle size. The obtained BaTiO$$_3$$ nanocrystal is a tetragonal system of ferroelectric phase. A three-dimensional structure of BaTiO$$_3$$ nanoparticles could be obtained by the electron beam tomography.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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