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Report No.

Vacancy migration in $$alpha$$-iron investigated using in situ high-voltage electron microscopy

Abe, Yosuke  ; Sato, Yuki*; Hashimoto, Naoyuki*

We measured the growth rate of self-interstitial atom (SIA) clusters in electron-irradiated $$alpha$$-iron at 275-320 K using in situ high-voltage electron microscopy. To improve the statistical accuracy of the measurement, we used photographic films and video data. This enabled analysis of a considerable amount of data by extracting several SIA clusters and tracking their size growth using image processing techniques. By fitting the temperature-dependent cluster growth rate to the Arrhenius relations derived using rate theory analysis, we obtained vacancy migration energy of $$0.52 pm 0.03$$ eV. In addition, the effects of impurities leading to decrease in the cluster growth rate were briefly discussed.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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