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Present status of an R-matrix analysis code AMUR for cross-section evaluation in resolved resonance region


国枝 賢  

Kunieda, Satoshi


For thorough understanding resonant theories and cause of discrepancies among different cross-section measurements, development of an R-matrix analysis code AMUR is being progressed. The code is organized by "theoretical" and "experimental" classes based on the object-oriented framework. In the theoretical class, with sharing the same compound nucleus, the independent distant poles can optionally be assumed for the simultaneous analysis of different projectile + nucleus pairs to see the relation between the channel radius and the theoretical background. In the experimental class, to simulate experimental conditions, calculated cross-sections can be corrected by the Doppler broadening, resolution functions, re-normalization, adding contaminant elements. I demonstrate some example analyses of measured cross-sections with AMUR both for the light and heavier nuclei to show effects of those new options. Also, preliminary results will be shown from analyses for experimental data of J-PARC/ANNRI.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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