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Report No.

Chemical species of iodine during sorption by activated carbon; Effects of original chemical species and fulvic acids

Kato, Tomoaki ; Kozai, Naofumi   ; Tanaka, Kazuya  ; Kaplan, D. I.*; Utsunomiya, Satoshi*; Onuki, Toshihiko

This study reports the effect of fulvic acids, which is a natural organic substance generally contained in groundwater, on the oxidation states of radioactive iodine anions (iodide and iodate). Iodide and iodate are contained in the contaminated water of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and supposed to be removed by activated carbon (AC) via adsorption. When fulvic acids does not exist in the experimental system, the adsorption of iodide on AC was less than that of iodate and their oxidation states after the adsorption were not changed. When fulvic acids existed, a fraction of the adsorbed iodate was reduced to iodide. This result indicates that the reduction of the adsorbed iodate progresses during the storage of the spent AC.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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