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Dislocation-climbing bypass over dispersoids with different lattice misfit in creep deformation of FeCrAl oxide dispersion-strengthened alloys

Ukai, Shigeharu  ; Yamashita, Shinichiro   

The creep strain rate of FeCrAl oxide dispersion-strengthened alloys, as a promising accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) cladding of the light-water reactors, is accelerated in YAlO$$_{3}$$ dispersoids by two to three orders of magnitude compared with Y$$_{4}$$Zr$$_{3}$$O$$_{12}$$ dispersoid at 1273K and even occurs at an applied stress less than threshold stress for dislocation detachment. Two approaches were carried out to interpret new findings and to clarify their mechanism. By optimizing the relaxation of the dislocation line energy at the dispersoid interface, numerical analyses proved the accelerated dislocation-climbing in the YAlO$$_{3}$$ dispersoids. The other is a more atomistic approach. The climbing force on the dislocation induced by the stress field around the dispersoid was analyzed in terms of the Peach-Koehler relationship. The accelerated creep strain rate in YAlO$$_{3}$$ dispersoids is attributed to a larger climbing force induced by larger lattice misfit with less coherency in YAlO$$_{3}$$ dispersoid.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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