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Direct ${it in-situ}$ temperature measurement for lamp-based heating device


墨田 岳大   ; 須藤 彩子 ; 高野 公秀 ; 池田 篤史  

Sumita, Takehiro; Sudo, Ayako; Takano, Masahide; Ikeda, Atsushi

Despite a wide variety of its practical applications, handiness, and cost-effectiveness, the advance of lamp-based heating device is obstructed by one technical difficulty in measuring the temperature on a heated material. This difficulty originates in the combination of polychromatic light source and a radiation thermometer that determines temperature from radiation (i.e. light). A new system developed in this study overcomes this intrinsic difficulty by measuring exclusively the radiation from the heated material, allowing us to perform the direct and ${it in-situ}$ measurement of temperature in a light-based heating device (an arc image furnace). Test measurements demonstrated the reliability of temperature measurement using the developed system as well as its promising potential for the determination of emissivity at high temperature particularly in the infrared region.



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