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Estimated isotopic compositions of Yb in enriched $$^{176}$$Yb for producing $$^{177}$$Lu with high radionuclide purity by $$^{176}$$Yb($$d,x$$)$$^{177}$$Lu

Nagai, Yasuki*; Kawabata, Masako*; Hashimoto, Shintaro  ; Tsukada, Kazuaki  ; Hashimoto, Kazuyuki*; Motoishi, Shoji*; Saeki, Hideya*; Motomura, Arata*; Minato, Futoshi   ; Ito, Masatoshi*

Recently, $$^{177}$$Lu is considered as one of the most important medical RIs for treating neuroendocrine tumors. A plan to produce $$^{177}$$Lu with high purity by using enriched $$^{176}$$Yb samples with irradiation of deuteron beams in accelerators has been discussed. However, since the other Yb isotopes contained in the Yb sample interacts with deuterons, Lu isotopes other than $$^{177}$$Lu are produced as impurities. Since the purity of $$^{177}$$Lu is important for medical use, a method to evaluate the impurity of Lu has been required. In this study, we proposed a new method to estimate production yields of each Lu isotopes in Yb samples with arbitrary isotopic compositions by using excitation functions of Yb($$d,x$$)Lu reactions and the particle transport calculation code PHITS. The method plays an important role in discussing the isotopic composition of enriched samples to produce high-purity $$^{177}$$Lu using accelerators.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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