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 年 ~ 


Impact assessment for internal overflow in JRR-3

徳永 翔; 井口 晋太郎; 川村 奨; 平根 伸彦

Tokunaga, Sho; Iguchi, Shintaro; Kawamura, Sho; Hirane, Nobuhiko


In JRR-3, in response to the new regulatory standard for research reactors that is enforced December 2013, we submitted the application document of reactor installation license for the JRR-3 on September 2014, and acquired the permission on November 2018. Thereafter, we carried out impact assessment for internal overflow based on the design principles as described in the application document of reactor installation license for the JRR-3. There are two legal requirements for internal overflow. The first is to ensure that the necessary safety functions are not lost due to internal overflow that occur in the facility. The second is to prevent leakage of liquid containing radioactive materials outside the radiation controlled area in the event of an internal overflow. For these requirements, assuming each overflow source, it was confirmed that the necessary safety functions would not be lost and that liquid containing radioactive materials would not leak outside the controlled area. Regarding these assessments, design and construction plans were submitted in installments, and the approvals were obtained sequentially. This report shows the result that is impact assessment for internal overflow in JRR-3.



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