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Report No.

FORNAX-A1.0 for calculation of fission product release amount from fuel rods of pin-in-block-type high temperature gas-cooled reactors

Aihara, Jun 

FORNAX-A1.0 is a calculation code for amount of fission product (FP) released from fuel rods of pin-in-type high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs). FORNAX-A1.0 is based on Fick's laws of diffusion and can calculate FP release amount from fuel rod under normal operation and accidents without failure (including oxidation) of graphite sleeves and fuel compacts and without melting of fuel kernel, for example, stopping fission and increase in temperature and/or failure fraction of coated fuel particles. This report is for explanation of outline, basic formulae and numerical analysis method of FORNAX-A1.0 code.



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