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Report No.

Consideration of a quick exit from plastic tents in an event of emergency while working with air-fed suits: Evaluation of applicability of plastic enclosure tents for body decontamination

Asakawa, Jun; Hirano, Hiroshi*; Nagai, Yuya; Aita, Takahiro; Shibanuma, Tomohiro; Kimura, Yasuhisa 

In the dismantling work of glove boxes (GBs) contaminated with radioactive materials at the nuclear fuel facilities, plastic tents are constructed around the entire GBs, and workers putting on air-fed suits (AFS) (hereinafter referred to as AFS worker) dismantle the GBs and interior equipment by using cutting tools. If an AFS worker suddenly feels sick during the work and the worker is unable to move independently, it will be necessary to exit in the shortest time from the viewpoint of respecting human life. In this case, a lot of radioactive materials may be brought into the contamination control room, thus the room and the equipment of the workers may be contaminated. Consequently, until the decontamination work is completed, the other AFS workers will have to put on AFS and wait for long time, which puts a strain on the workers. In this report, the plastic enclosure tents for body decontamination developed in JAEA were used as a new contamination control room replaced the contaminated one, and the procedure to quickly exit the remaining AFS workers was proposed. As a result, we confirmed that it was possible to greatly reduce the waiting time of the other AFS workers who is forced to wait in the dismantling area.



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