※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Precise magnetization measurements down to 500 mK using a miniature $$^3$$He cryostat and a closed-cycle $$^3$$He gas handling system installed in a SQUID magnetometer without continuous-cooling functionality


島村 一利*; 輪島 裕樹*; 牧野 隼士*; 阿部 聡*; 芳賀 芳範   ; 佐藤 由昌*; 河江 達也*; 吉田 靖雄*

Shimamura, Kazutoshi*; Wajima, Hiroki*; Makino, Hayato*; Abe, Satoshi*; Haga, Yoshinori; Sato, Yoshiaki*; Kawae, Tatsuya*; Yoshida, Yasuo*

We have conducted precise magnetization measurements down to 500 mK using a commercial magnetometer. The gas handling system contains two sorption pumps filled with granular charcoals. $$^3$$He gas is pressurized up to ambient pressure for liquification at 3 K and the vapor is pumped for cooling. We demonstrate the performance of the system by observing the Meissner effect of aluminum below the superconducting transition temperature.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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