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Report No.

Chemical interaction between Sr vapor species and nuclear reactor core structure

Mohamad, A. B. ; Nakajima, Kunihisa  ; Miwa, Shuhei; Osaka, Masahiko  

The distribution of Sr in the reactor would be influenced by a chemical reaction of Sr vapor species with a structural material of internal reactor and fuel cladding materials; stainless steel (SS) or Zircaloy (Zry) cladding during 1F-NPS accident. The chemical interaction between Sr-Zry and Sr-SS has been described. The reaction tests have been performed to investigate the chemical interaction behavior under possible severe accident conditions. The tests have been conducted up to 1523 K under steam atmosphere. It was confirmed that Sr-Zr-O and Sr-Si-O compounds were formed through 2 kinds chemical interactions; gas-solid reaction and liquid-solid reaction. The gas and liquid species of Sr in a good contact with the solid Zry and SS to form Sr-Zr-O and Sr-Si-O compounds, respectively. Sr was deposited onto the Zry and SS surfaces and lead to the formation of reaction product. Thus, this study highlights the possibility that Sr was deposited and retained in the core structure where the temperature was elevated during the accident in the 1F-NPS.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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