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Report No.

Pressure dependence of ferromagnetic phase boundary in BaVSe$$_3$$ studied with high-pressure $$mu^+$$SR

Sugiyama, Jun; Higemoto, Wataru  ; Andreica, D.*; Forslund, O. K.*; Nocerino, E.*; M${aa}$nsson, M.*; Sassa, Y.*; Gupta, R.*; Khasanov, R.*; Ota, Hiroto*; Nakamura, Hiroyuki*

The magnetic nature of a quasi-one-dimensional compound, BaVSe$$_3$$, has been investigated with positive muon spin rotation and relaxation measurements at ambient and high pressures. At ambient pressure, the spectrum recorded under zero external magnetic field exhibited a clear oscillation below the Curie temperature due to the formation of quasistatic ferromagnetic order. As pressure increased from ambient pressure, $$T_{C}$$ was found to decrease slightly up to about 1.5 GPa, at which point $$T_{C}$$ started to increase rapidly with the further increase of the pressure. Based on a strong ferromagnetic interaction along the $$c$$-axis, the result revealed that there are two magnetic interactions in the ab-plane.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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